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Milano, Maggio 9-11, 2000 Organizzato da: Sponsorizzato da: PROGRAMMA FINALE Martedì 9 Meeting Introduction: Prof. I. Crivelli Visconti Italy Sessione A Intelligent Polymeric Composite Based Devices. Talaie A. - Japan A Study on The Damping Property of Epoxy Matrix Composite Beams with Embedded SMA Fibres. Ju D.Y. - Japan Thermal Oxidative Stability of IM7/5250-4 BMI Composites. Marino G. Chartoff R. - Italy The Motion of Ellipsoidal Particles Immersed in Melt Thermoplastic Composites. Yu H.Y. - U.S.A. Carbon in Copper and Silver Hosts: Transport and Mechanical Properties. Fuks D., Mundim K.C., Malbouisson L.A.C., Berner A., Dorfman S. - Brasil Behaviour Towards Oxidation in Air of Pristine and Graphitized Vapour Grown Carbon Fibres. Madronero A., Merino - C., Brandl W., Toma D. - Spain Fatigue Limits of Silicon Carbide Fibers. Ghonem H. - U.S.A. Tungsten-Based Composites: Relaxation of Atoms in Tungsten Grain Boundary with and Withaut Boron. MundimK.C., Liubich V. Dorfman S., Felsteiner J., Fuks D., Borstel G. - Brasil Sessione B Glass Transition Temperature Monitoring with Micro Dielectronic Measurements of a Carbon Fibre Composite, AS4/8552. Pisanikovski T., Annika Sörman, CSM Materialteknik Linköping. - Sweden Eddy Current Imaging for Nondestructive Evaluation of CFRP Composites. Teti R., Buonadonna P. - Italy Integrated Composite Technology, the Key to Success. Krummenaker B. - Switzerland 3-Dimensional Fluid Propagation in RTM-Processing. Kissinger C., Mitschang P., Neitzel M. - Germany Consolidation and Mechanical Properties of FIT-Based Composites-Competition to Commingled Yarns? Bogoeva-Gaceva G., Mader E. - Macedonia Computer Aided Filament Winding System. Polini W., Carrino L., Turchetta S. - Italy Development of a Pultrusion Process of Thermoplastic Matrix Composite. Riccio M., Becthold G., Penco M., D&Mac226;amore A. - Italy Influence of Tool Geometry and cutting Parameters on the machinability of SiC-Alluminium Composites. Paoletti A, Di Ilio A.- Italy Evaluation of non-Isothermal core process from Dielectric spectra by artificial neural networks. Shtrauss V. - Latvia Mercoledì 10 Sessione C Structural Analysis of Metal Inserts in Sandwich Panels for Spatial Structures. Costabile V., Di Stefano M., Marchetti M., Donati A. - Italy Cracks Width Predictions of FRP Reinforced Concrete Members. Aiello M.A., Ombres L. - Italy Molecular Design of Interfaces for Controlled Matrix-Filler Interaction and Maximised Adhesion. Gutowski W. S. - Australia Neutron Diffraction Measurements for the Determination of Residual Stresses in MMC Tensile and Fatigue Specimens. Fiori F., Girardin E., Rustichelli F., Stanic V. - Italy The Comparative Estimates of Bending Characteristics at Point Forces and Piecewise Constant Loads for Under-Designed Sandwich Panels. Polyakov V., Shlitsa R., Khitrov V., Zhigun V. - Latvia Effect of Lowering Thermal Residual Stresses on Fatigue of Bonded Composite Patch Repairs. Sun C.T., Cho J. - U.S.A. Desig of a Composite Material "Chiralis" Blade for an Increased Efficiency Wind Generator. Angarano F., Cantoni S., Di Vita G.,Totaro G. Italy High Temperature Damage Mechanisms in A1-Based MMC's. Gariboldi E. Vedani M. - Italy Modelling of Branched Crosslinked Composites, Using the Statistical Polymer. Figovsky O.L., Romm F., Kachevsky V.M. - U.S.A. Produzione di Elementi in Composito Partendo da Tessuti Secchi o Pre-Impregnati, Fase di Realizzazione delle Sagome e loro Produzione Mediante Sistemi CAD/CAM. Silva F. - Italy Experimental Analysis on the Shear Behaviour of RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Sheets. Ianniruberto, Imbimbo M. - Italy Interaction Stresses in Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with FRP Plates: a Numerical and Experimental Investigation. Ascione L., Feo L. - Italy Sessione D Experimental Investigation of long term Mechanical Properties of Glassfiber Reinforced Plastic. Castiglioni C.A., Drei A., Spessa A. - Italy Manufacturing and Testing of Advanced Composite Structures for a Solarpowered. Romeo G., Fattore L. - Italy Effect of Thermoelastic Parameter of Polymer-Based Composite Friction Materials on their Thermomechanical Behaviour. Katbab A.A., Abbasi F., Shojaei A. - Iran FRP Confined Hollow Concrete Columns: a Theoretical Model. Manni O., La Tegola A. Italy Electrical Properties and Percolation Phenomena in Metal-Filled Polymers. Zois H., Apekis L., Davidenko V.V., Mamunya E.P. - Greece Filament Wound GFRP Pipes for Hidraulic Applications. Experimental Results. De Luca A., Imbimbo M. - Italy Filament Wound GFRP Pipes for Hidraulic Applications. A Proposal for Prediction of Structural Stiffness. De Luca A., Imbimbo M. - Italy Reliability and Performance of Pultruded FRP Composites with Embedded Fiber Optic Sensors. Kalamkarov A.L., - Canada Composite Retrofit of Unreinforced Mansonry Walls. Gergely J., Hooks J.L., Alchaar N., Young D.T. - U.S.A Sessione C Stresses And Strains from Invariants for Woven Composite Materials Using Interpolation Functions (Matlab). Bejan L. - Romania Flexural Analysis of One-Way Concrete Slabs Reinfoeced with GFRP Rebars. Ombres L., Nanni A., Alkhrdaji T. - Italy Constitutive Modelling of Composites and Laminates via Homogenisation and Parameter Identification. Giampieretti R., Corigliano A., Maier G. - Italy Sessione D Rinforzo di Pareti in Muratura con Barre e Laminati in Materiali Polimerici Rinforzati. Tinazzi D., Modena A., Nanni A. - Italy Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Near Surface Mounted FRP Rods. De Lorenzis L., Nanni A., La Tegola A. - Italy New Automotive Applications Through Recent Innovations with ZenTron(r) High Strenght Glass. Peters L., Kinsella M., Murray D., - Belgium The Fiber Composite Materials in the Restoration of Monumental Buildings: the S. Maria of Pignatelli&Mac226;s Chapel in Naples in the Little Square Corpo di Napoli. Caffarelli B., Desiderio P. - Italy L'utilizzo di Materiali Compositi con Fibre Aramidiche o di Carbonio nel Consolidamento degli Edifici Storici: Casi Studio. Bertolini Cestari, Bray R., Roccati R. - Italy Sessione B A Model Regarding Material Removal Behaviour Using FEM Analysis at Ultrasonic Aided E.D.M.of MMC. Opran C., Pupaza C., Ghiculescu D., Ioan S. - Romania Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Foam. Farshad M. - Switzerland Curing Of Thick Carbon Epoxi Component. Gnanasekar A., Rajanna A.V., Biswas C.- India Damage Threshold Evaluation by means of electrical Conductivity Measurament in GFRP. Nanni F., Gusmano G. - Italy Geometric Potentials with Tape Placement of Fibre Reinforced Thermoplasts. Beresheim G., Mitschang. Germany Imaging of Composite Damage and Defects Using Optical Coherence Tomography. Dunkers J. - U.S.A. Sessione A Vegetable Fibre Reinforcement of Polymers. Crivelli Visconti I., Durante, M. Ussorio M. - Italy Utilization of the Reactive Styrene-Maleic Anhydride Copolymer in the Processing of Vinylic Plastisoles. Colt M., Bucevschi M.D. - Romania Stabilization of Plasticized PVC-Materials. Gotlieb E. Verizhnikov M., Grinberg L., Chakirov P., Russia Metal Forming Tools Made from Glass-Fiber Based Composite Material. Kocov A:, Lazarev v., Spaseska D., - Macedonia
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