The company entered the field of publishing in 1984 with the magazine Tecnologia Tessile-Textile Technology, the first completely bilingual magazine in Italy devoted to the textile machinery sector. The publication of this magazine, interrupted after four years, will start again soon on the Internet.
Another important initiative was the publication called Textiles for Technical Uses that Technica published on behalf of Centrocot from 1993 to 1999 (this year the ownership of the magazine was transferred to Ascontex Editoriale). Technica has also published a number of technical-scientific and promotional articles, reviews and books on behalf of operators in the textile and textile machinery sectors. In many cases these were highly interesting books, both because of the subjects dealt with and the rich illustrations, such as the one about Leonardo Da Vincis machines and another about fabrics as painted by Piero della Francesca, and furnishing fabrics at the time of Lorenzo il Magnifico...
In addition, catalogues and guidebooks for fairs and other events, advertising pamphlets, etc., always respecting the proper balance between technical accuracy and the esthetic aspect.
Computer-aided editing is the most recent activity.