Alessandro Cerretini
Born in Florence in 1945, he got his Secondary School diploma in Florence, and a Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Bologna in November of 1970, in the same year earning qualification for exercise of the engineering profession. He is enrolled in the Register of Engineers of the Province of Florence.
He was appointed as a teaching assistant for the course in Principles of Chemical Engineering in the academic year 1971-72, and contributed to teaching and research activities.
In the period from 1972 to 1979 he worked on research for the firm Tecnotessile of Prato (research center of the textile sector). In this capacity he did much research on machinery, equipment and technology connected to the textile industry. He also took active interest in the study of noise pollution, in both industrial and civilian environment.
From 1979 to 1984 he worked at Cerimates, the ENI (Italian agency for hydrocarbons) Research Center operating in the textile machinery sector, where he carried out research and training as Director of the postgraduate school for specialization SSMT (school of higher education in textiles and textile machinery) also of ENI.
Since 1984 he has formed a partnership with his brother Massimo, also a chemical engineer, in Studio Technica Associazione dIngegneria (Technica engineering offices). In this firm he has carried out work projects for a number of customers - Centro Tessile Cotoniero, Associazione Sprint, Associazione Cotoniera, Associazione dei Costruttori di Macchine Tessili (Cotton Textile Agency, Sprint Association, Cotton Manufacturers Association, Textile Machinery Constructors Association), as well as Italian and foreign industries - in connection with technology and protection of the environment. He was Managing Editor of the review Tecnologia Tessile - Textile Technology, 1984-1987, and of the review Tessili per Impieghi Tecnici (Textiles for Technical Applications),1993-1999, concerning new materials. His activity has been increasingly concentrating in the field of technical application of textile products, and in general with technological innovation, particularly through publication of papers and reports in the course of exhibitions and trade fairs of this sector, such as Techtextil, Tecnitex, etc.
Papers by A. Cerretini:
- Non-conventional technologies in spinning (The Textile Experts Manual, Zanichelli publisher, 1980).
- Automation for the textile sector (La Repubblica: Affari e Finanza 1991).
- Mechanized textile industry in the 21st century, possibilities, simulation of corresponding settings (ACIMIT Foundation 1997).
Articles by A.Cerretini have been published in textile industry reviews
(Some highlighted articles can be downloaded in Acrobat PDF format).
- Non-conventional methods of spinning. II - Cerretini, A. - Laniera, 1973, 87, No.7, 637-644. (Through Referativnyi Zhurnal. Legkaya Promyshlennost'B, 1973, No. 12, abstract 95)
- Numerical method for calculating yarn balloons. Application in ring
spinning and twisting - Nerli, G.; Citti, P.; Rissone, P.; Bona, M.; Cerretini, A. - '6th Quinquennial international wool textile research conference. Proceedings. Volume III' (CSIR), Pretoria, South Africa, (1980) (ISBN 07988 1895 6 and 0 7988 1929 4), 607-618 (12 pages).
- Theoretical and experimental study of control of yarn tension - Bona, M.; Cerretini, A.; Citti, P.; Nerli, G.; Rissone, P. - '6th Quinquennial international wool textile research conference. Proceedings. Volume III' (CSIR), Pretoria, South Africa, (1980) (ISBN 07988 1895 6 and 0 7988 1929 4), 597-606 (10 pages).
- Efficiency and automation in spinning: computerized determination of the principal technological and economic parameters - Cerretini, A.; Godio, G. - 'Computers in the world of textiles', Textile Institute, Manchester, M35DR, UK, 1984, 128-132. (ISBN 0 0900739 69 X).
- Simulation of the open-end rotor spinning process - Capitani, R.; Cerretini, A.; Nerli, G. - 'Proceedings of the international symposium on fiber science and technology, 20-24 August 1985, Hakone, Japan', Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Tokyo 141, Japan, 1985, 195 (1 page).
- SIMULATION OF THE OPEN-END ROTOR SPINNING PROCESS. - Capitani R.; Cerretini A.; Nerli G. - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology. : 195 (Aug. 20-24, 1985).
- TEXTILES AND COMPUTER SCIENCE. - Cerretini A. - Selezione Tessile No. ll: 82-88; E152 (Nov. 1990).
- Textiles and computer science - Cerretini, A. - Nuova Selezione Tessile 11, November, 82-88 (7 pages). Pub Year: 1990
- Robotic systems: organization and automation - Cerretini, A. - International Dyer 175(7), 19 (1 pages). Pub Year: 1990
- Prato examines problems of quality - Cerretini, A. ; Cane, - Textilia Europe 67(2), 35-39 (5 pages). Pub Year: 1991
- The Hannover ITMA - general notes - Cerretini, A. - Industria Cotoniera 44(11/12), 558-560 (3 pages). Pub Year: 1991
- MUCH EVOLUTION, LESS INNOVATION. - Cerretini A.; Ferrari L.; Zibetti E. - Rivista delle Tecnologie Tessili 5, No. 11/12: 174-196; III-IV
(Nov./Dec. 1991).
- TECHNICAL TEXTILES -- JUST A FASHION OR AN ACTUAL DEVELOPMENT? - Cerretini A. - Rivista delle Tecnologie Tessili 6, No. 6: 120-125; VII-VIII (June 1992).
- WHAT IS THE FUTURE FOR OPEN END SPINNING? - Cerretini A. - Rivista delle Tecnologie Tessili 6, No. 10: 128-133; E7-E8 (Oct. 1992).
- CAD in fabric design - Cerretini, A. - Industria Cotoniera 46(1), January/February, 54-58 (5 pages). Pub Year: 1993
- Fine cottons and microfibres for new textile products - Cerretini, A. - Industria Cotoniera 47(5), 341-344 Pub Year: 1994
- Technical Textiles and Natural Fibers. - Cerretini A. - Rivista delle Tecnologie Tessili 8, No. 3: 117-122 (Apr. 1994).
- The new frontiers of finishing; fabric modification for a better arrival
at market - Cerretini, A. - Industria Cotoniera 48(2), 100-103 Pub Year: 1995
- Methods of reprocessing and reusing textile products - Cerretini, A. - CONFERENCE: R'95: recovery recycling re-integration P: 72-77 EMPA, 1995 CONFERENCE EDITOR(S): Barrage, A.; Edelmann, X.
- Trattamento di superfici tessili con laser ad eccimeri (Excimer laser textile surface treatment) - Di Lazzaro P; Schina G; De Maria R; Gesi E; Cerretini A - Journal: Notiziario dell'ENEA. Energia e innovazione, 1995, 41 (4) 29-33
- ITMA '95: Strong and Weak Signs of Change. - Cerretini A. - Tessili per impieghi Tecnici 2, No. 5-6: 10+, 5 pages (Dec. 1995).
- Techtextil '95. - Cerretini A. - Tessili per impieghi Tecnici 2, No. 3/4: 12+, 6 pages (Sept. 1995).
- Technical fibres muscle in to the textile industry: 'a la carte' fibres with designable characteristics - Cerretini, A. - Industria Cotoniera 49(2), 122-125 Pub Year: 1996
- Evolution of the problems of recycling textile products - Cerretini, A. - Industria Cotoniera 49(1), 55-56 Pub Year: 1996
- Products, Process and Applications for Technical Textiles in Italy. - Cerretini A. - Tessili per impieghi Tecnici 3, No. 6: 7+, 5 pages (Dec. 1996).
- Developments in Textile Fibers. - Cerretini A. - Tessili per impieghi Tecnici 5, No. 3: 1+, 2 pages (Sept. 1998).