Home > Computer media

Computer media - Database - Internet - Multimedia - Software - Distribution

Do you need a computer medium to help you in the management of your business, in filing essential data, in digital publishing, or in presentation of your work? Technica has all the solutions you require.

We produce personalized Database for any professional requirement.

  • Database FileMaker solutions - Some of the solutions we have created
  • Internet & Intranet integration - To obtain on-line database to be consulted by Internet or the company network Database
  • Integration with other software - To integrate database with other applications and to extend the possibilities also to cataloguing of any media

Internet & Intranet

  • Creations of HTML, DHTML, JavaScript web pages
  • The publication of on-line Database
  • Company management systems


We can create MacOs, Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT multiple-platform products.
We make QuickTimeVR films. Among our productions are the following:

Software Applications

Management Software, Training Software

We have created a new product to support teaching and training activities, called Testing (Italian version)


Download from Internet - CD-ROM

For software distribution we can create CD-ROMs.

Request for Information

Form to request information

Technica snc - Via del Caravaggio, 43 - 50143 Firenze - Tel. e Fax +39 055 7320695